Notice Trees

My gentle yet profound invitation this week is to take close and careful notice of trees.

  •     What is their shape?
  •     Are they tall?
  •     Are they short?
  •     Are they fat?
  •     Are they skinny?
  •     Is the tree you happen to be noticing in the moment shaggy?
  •     Is it sculptured in shape much like a Christmas tree?
  •     What is the height of the tree that your eyes now gaze on?

Notice the branching. Notice in particular the color of the tree, the color of the leaves, the color of the bark and the texture of the bark.  Notice the type of foliage that emanates from the trunk of this most magnificent tree that you chose to gaze at.

Of course you can’t inspect each tree that you see with any great seriousness. Perhaps you might spend some time this week sitting under a tree and doing just that.  As you walk and as you drive however, devote your attention to taking quite seriously the challenge of taking in the magnificence of the trees that you pass by. They exude a life force of immense power.

In some cases becoming mindful of trees will be a fleeting notice at best. In other situations – perhaps on a walk – invite yourself

  1.     to stop
  2.     to turn
  3.     to look
  4.     to take in

the most magnificent presence of the tree that happens to call out to you in the moment.

If you live in an area where there are few tall and magnificent trees – perhaps a desert –  choose sagebrush or grass or bushes instead of trees for the mindfulness challenge of the week. Trees are not required.

Whether your focus is on trees or sagebrush – take their full essence in. Notice them with your eyes, ears and nose. Trees are a miracle on earth that we take for granted.

  •     Reverse the habit of taking trees for granted.
  •     Acknowledge their magnificence and their divinity.

After all, we share the sacred space of the earth side by side along with them.


© Parkinsons Recovery

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